In 2023, DoorDash launched a number of item badges — user interface (UI) components that highlight key product attributes, such as the number of items in stock, as shown in Figure 1.
Category Archives: Backend
Distributed build service for monorepos
In the world of version control systems, a monorepo — short for single repository — puts the code for multiple software development projects in one place to facilitate code sharing, tooling, and versioning.
Part 2: DoorDash 2024 summer intern projects
DoorDash features an engaging internship program that integrates software engineering interns into our Engineering teams, providing them with valuable hands-on experience that supplements their academic studies.
DoorDash empowers engineers with Kafka Self-Serve
DoorDash is supporting an increasingly diverse array of infrastructure use cases as the company matures.
Setting up Kafka multi-tenancy
Real-time event processing is a critical component of a distributed system’s scalability.
Introducing DoorDash’s in-house search engine
We reviewed the architecture of our global search at DoorDash in early 2022 and concluded that our rapid growth meant within three years we wouldn’t be able to scale the system efficiently, particularly as global search shifted from store-only to a hybrid item-and-store search experience.
Cassandra Unleashed: How We Enhanced Cassandra Fleet’s Efficiency and Performance
In the realm of distributed databases, Apache Cassandra stands out as a significant player.
Meeting DoorDash Growth with a Self-Service Logistics Configuration Platform
DoorDash has grown from executing simple restaurant deliveries to working with a wide variety of businesses, ranging from grocery, retail and pet supplies.
Staying in the Zone: How DoorDash used a service mesh to manage data transfer, reducing hops and cloud spend
There have been many benefits gained through DoorDash’s evolution from a monolithic application architecture to one that is based on cells and microservices.
Privacy Engineering at DoorDash Drive
DoorDash proactively embeds privacy into our products.